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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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Troubleshooting a GE Hydrowave Top Load Washer that Won't Run

Some resources from the Downloads section that'll hepya: GE Hydrowave Washer Motor Replacement Chart GE WASHER Hydrowave / Mode Shifter w/ LED Inverter Motor Service Manual GE Profile Hydrowave Washers With Infusor Wash System 31-9188 Service Manual GE Hydrowave Infusor Washer Tech Tips GE Top Loading Hydrowave Washer Training Bulletin: Testing Procedures To learn more about your washer or to order parts, click here. Source: GE WBSR3140G3WW Cant get it to work.

Refrigerator Checklist - Spring 2013

Spring 2013 is finally here! When I think about spring, I think, "Oh, goodie: Refrigerator Season!" Why do I get excited and squeal like a little piglet in a donut shop about Refrigerator Season? Because I know my phone is about to explode with a whole lotta high-dolla warm refrigerator repair calls. Here are five simple things you can do to your refrigerator right now to keep your beer tooth-crackin' cold right on through the up-coming summer heat wave. 1. Clean your refrigerator condenser s

Online Appliance Parts Ripoffs and Scams

Floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee, it's another killa issue of Appliantology. I look out on the web and what do I see? Another frikka-frakka scammer got his eye on me. How'm I 'posed to git the appliance parts I need wif all these little punks tryin' to make me bleed? Ain't but one person got the truth, I know: SamuraiRepairman, here I go…

The Samurai's Triumphant Return from the 21st Annual Appliance Service Training Institute (ASTI)

The eagle has landed back up here in yankee-land. Awesome conference but great to be back in that crisp New Hampshire air. From Sun Country back to Snow Country... my brain is so full of the latest and greatest appliance info, I've got to relieve the pressure by sharing it with all of you as soon as possible! Stay tuned for pearls to be cast your way soon. Mrs. Samurai is working feverishly at translating my neanderthal scribblings called "notes" into a digital format that would be recognized as

Off to the 21st Annual Appliance Service Training Institute (ASTI) in Orlando...

Heading down to the ASTI in Orlando tomorrow (March 5) to bask in the cornucopia of pearls of appliantological wisdom being cast out by the various appliance manufacturers! The ASTI is going on from March 6 - 9 and I'll be returning on Sunday, March 10. Since I won't have my desktop computer with me, I won't be able to upload service manual requests but I may still be able to PM download links from my Dropbox. I'll still have my iPhone and iPad with me and will check in with the Appliantology fo

Finding Your Appliance Repair Answers Here at Appliantology

You've got appliance repair questions, we've got answers. Hundreds of thousands of 'em on all brands and models of major appliances: washers, refrigerators, dryers, dishwashers, ice makers, ovens, ranges, and cooktops. They're all right here at the Samurai Appliance Repair Academy just waiting for you to discover them! Join Samurai Appliance Repair Man as he takes you by the hand and gently walks you through the powerful search features available to you here at the Academy to empower you to fin

Appliantology Newsletter: A Visual Guide to Dryer Vent Proctology

Coming at you like a blustery Nor'easter out of the frozen hinterlands of northern New England, another frosty issue of Appliantology has been unleashed on the Internet. And Hell follows with it. Come in, she said, I'll give ya shelter from the storm... http://ymlp.com/zaY3yr Just when you thought it was safe to run your dryer after reading the January issue of Appliantology, along comes this sick little tome going into glorious and humiliating detail on dryer vent proctology.

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Resetting a GE Hydrowave Top-Loading Washer

If you have a newer model GE top-loading washer (GE's Hydrowave line of washers) and it inexplicably stops working, won't run at all, the problem may be as simple as needing to reset the control board. Very easy to do and no tools are required: To learn more about your washer or to order parts, click here. Source: GE Hydrawave Washer Motor Reset

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Troubleshooting Clumping Ice in an Ice Maker Bucket and not Dispensing Properly

If your refrigerator has an ice and water dispenser, one of the things that may happen is that the ice in the bucket stops coming out the chute when you push the ice lever in the dispenser. This problem can be a real head scratcher to track down and Brother DurhamAppliance offers some sagacious tips and tricks for whuppin' up on it: To learn more about your refrigerator of to order parts, click here. Source: GE refrigerator not dispensing ice

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

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