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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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Understanding and Troubleshooting with Bosch Schematic Diagrams

Bosch schematics are notoriously cryptic and look different from the schematics used by other appliance manufacturers. But electricity still works the same way in Germany as it does in Korea, the US, or anywhere else in the known universe. Don't let the unfriendly nature of their schematics fool you into thinking otherwise! Once you understand a few simple conventions used by Bosch, you'll be troubleshooting with Bosch schematics as easily as you use Whirlpool's or any other manufacturer. 

Ultimate Appliance Gift Ideas

<p>The Samurai has scoured both the Innernet AND the Outernet rounding up those perfect Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa, and Festivus gift ideas for that special Fixer Dude or Dudette in your life.  <strong>Click the photos</strong> for more info or to purchase.</p> <p> </p> <p>Stay warm AND safe with this Pocket Air Check combustible gas leak detector. Works with Natural and LP gas.</p> <p><a href="http://www.repairclinic.com/PartDetail/Ga

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Twas the night before Christmas and the oven control board was repaired…

It was a cold December day when the call came in. Just a few days before Christmas. Gas oven no bake and loads of family coming to visit from out of town. The customer was desperate, hoping for a Christmas miracle. Things were looking grim when it turned out NOT to be the igniter, but the control board. Not only was the board not available for several weeks, but it didn't even make sense to spend that kind of money on this older, POS range. And yet, there was no time to get a replacement range i

Troubleshooting tip for Whirlpool inverter-type microwave ovens with an F7 error code

The high voltage system in microwave ovens is used to power the magnetron and generate the microwave sound energy that cooks the food. This voltage is in the range of 2,000 vdc. There are two ways of producing this high voltage. The older, conventional way is using a high voltage transformer, capacitor and rectifier. This is a pretty reliable configuration and easy to troubleshoot and repair. The other way of producing the high voltage for the magnetron is using an inverter board. These are ofte

Troubleshooting tip for fixing an Amana NED7200TW (Samsung-built) electric dryer that's not heating

Being a Samsung-built dryer, this one can throw you a curve ball if you're not used to thinking like a Korean. Fortunately, Doctor John is fluent in Korean Dryerese and sets us on the right track: Here's the part link for the thermistor ==> http://www.repairclinic.com/PartDetail/Thermistor/35001191/1185513?modelNumber=NED7200TW10 And, for reference and enrichment, here's the schematic for this dryer: Click for large view - Uploaded with Skitch Source: Amana NED7200TW Dryer no heat, problem

Troubleshooting technique for checking the MCU in a Whirlpool Duet Sport washer

If you're dealing with a Whirlpool Duet Sport front load washer (also sold under the Maytag and Kenmore brands) that just beeps when you press the start button but doesn't lock the door or run, it can be tricky to figure what the problem is. The prime suspects are: CCU (central control unit), MCU (motor control unit), and the door latch assembly. Academy Fellow Trying to help offers this tip for checking the MCU to determine whether it's the cause of the problem or not. If it checks good, you ha

Troubleshooting Gas Ovens like a Master Samurai Tech

In the last webinar, we put on our Master Samurai Tech hats and did a cleanup service call on a gas oven after a parts changing monkey (PCM) had already been out and failed to diagnose and repair the problem. We looked at what the PCM did on the service call as well as he did not do but should have done. We did a quick review of how hot surface ignition (HSI) systems work and how variations in supply voltage can affect the operation of these systems. Then we got inside the head of a Master Samur

Troubleshooting Clumping Ice in an Ice Maker Bucket and not Dispensing Properly

If your refrigerator has an ice and water dispenser, one of the things that may happen is that the ice in the bucket stops coming out the chute when you push the ice lever in the dispenser. This problem can be a real head scratcher to track down and Brother DurhamAppliance offers some sagacious tips and tricks for whuppin' up on it: To learn more about your refrigerator of to order parts, click here. Source: GE refrigerator not dispensing ice

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Troubleshooting and Repairing a Bosch Gas Range Surface Burner

No schematics on this one! I know that'll be a relief for some of you. Honestly, it was a nice break for me, too. I love these easy jobs where you can troubleshoot using only your eyeballs and fix it with something as simple as a paper clip.  In this short little video, I show you how to troubleshoot a problem with a surface burner on Bosch gas range. The burner was not lighting correctly and would sometimes flare up.  All gas range surface burners operate using the same principles so

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Troubleshooting an LG French Door Refrigerator with a Warm Freezer

The model number of this LG refrigerator is LFC25776ST/00. Customer reports that the freezer is warm but the fresh food compartment is still okay. Watch in amazement as The Appliance Guru hunts down the problem as if it were a wild, senseless beast. [media=] Unfortunately, the main PCB, p/n EBR67348002, is on national backorder so the customer will have to wait possibly up to a month to get her refrigerator fixed. If you live in the New London, NH, area and need fast, expert appliance repair se

Troubleshooting a Whirlpool Refrigerator Motorized Damper Assembly

The complaint on this refrigerator was that it's freezing food in the Fresh Food compartment (aka., Beer Compartment). On this particular design, the motorized damper has a been a problem point. One common problem is that the vanes get frozen in place by frost and then break when the damper motor tries to move them. That wasn't the case here. This one took sublime troubleshooting skills to identify the source of the freezing problem. It did involve the damper assembly but only as a secondary eff

Troubleshooting a Whirlpool Duet Washer with an F11 error code and repairing it without replacing parts

Many appliance servicers have been befuddled by the elusive and mysterious F11 error code in these Whirlpool Duet front loading washers (also sold under the Kenmore brand). In their confusion and frustration, many will go into Parts Changing Monkey mode and start blindly replacing expensive control boards without really fixing the problem (but still charging the customer, of course). The Appliance Guru never does business that way. Customers hire me to solve a problem. Period. I give a quo

Troubleshooting a Whirlpool Dishwasher with the Clean Light Blinking Seven Times

Here's the low-down on a Whirlpool (or Kenmore-labelled, Whirlpool-built) dishwasher that has the Clean Light blinking seven times. In other words, blinks seven times, pauses, then repeats. The reason the light is blinking seven times is because the control board is looking for a specific temperature rise in the water in the basin and is not seeing it. "Well, if the water temperature ain't rising, then the heater must be bad, right?" Maybe. But other things besides a bad heater can cause the wat

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Troubleshooting a Thermador Wall Oven F34 error code with ZERO disassembly

You arrive on the call for Thermador wall oven. Complaint: F34 error code-- cooling fan rotation problem-- shown on the display when the oven is turned on. As a black belt in the martial art of schematic-fu, you pull up the schematic on your tablet computer. With one simple move, you identify the exact cause of the problem with ZERO disassembly.  Question: What slick move did you make to identify the specific cause of the problem with ZERO disassembly?     

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man in Tech Talk

Troubleshooting a Samsung Gas Range E OE Error Code with Rats Nest and Yapping Little Dogs

In this glimpse into the glamour life of an appliance tech, we troubleshoot an E-OE error code on a Samsung gas range with the added twist of rat infestation and yapping little dogs. It's winter in New Hampshire and rodents will seek out warm places but this place was a literal rats nest. The smell of rodent piss was gagging us (me and @Son of Samurai) as soon as we walked in the door. It would have been stronger if it was actually warm inside the kitchen but it was probably only about 45F which

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Troubleshooting a Samsung Electric Dryer No-Heat Problem from the Control Board

Join the Samurai on this Samsung electric dryer service call and learn how to troubleshoot a no-heat complaint from the control board, without having to tear apart the whole dryer, by using the schematic and strategic electrical tests. Work smarter, not harder!    Learn how to troubleshoot appliances like a real technician at http://mastersamuraitech.com Professional Appliantologist members here at Appliantology should watch my webinar recording on troubleshooting this s
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