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  1. LG 2020 Refrigeration Field Training Booklet View File This is the handbook that was handed out at the 2020 field service training. It mostly goes over sealed system repairs but also helps with the craft icemaker. Submitter Cowboy Mike Submitted 08/05/2020 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    This is the handbook that was handed out at the 2020 field service training. It mostly goes over sealed system repairs but also helps with the craft icemaker.
  3. Universal Compressor Direct Writing Mode View File Instruction on writing software manually to LG boards for universal compressors. Submitter Cowboy Mike Submitted 01/28/2020 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
  4. LG Refrigerator Universal Compressor Replacement Guide Service Bulletin View File Universal compressor procedures for LG, includes manual updating info in the event the automatic fails. PUB CNZ201900235-03 Submitter Cowboy Mike Submitted 01/28/2020 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Universal compressor procedures for LG, includes manual updating info in the event the automatic fails. PUB CNZ201900235-03
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Instruction on writing software manually to LG boards for universal compressors.
  7. My GE french door refrigerator freezer section is not cold enough (~20F, but set to 0). Fridge section is fine (holds at 37F). In running the tests, the fans and thermistors seem to be reading correctly. When I exposed the freezer evaporator coils, there was an ice block in the upper right corner, but the heater works. I manually defrosted the block, but it didn't help. The evaporator coils DO NOT have a light frost on them (only on the supply tube). After reading other posts, I believe this means I have a sealed system leak. Is there a definitive check to know if it's the sealed system (I don't have refrigerant equipment)? I had to replace the inverter and condenser fans about a year ago. Is there any chance it could be the inverter again? Is there anything else it could be? If it's a sealed system leak, it seems like I should get a new fridge, but I hate to throw this one in a landfill. It's only 7 years old. I'd appreciate any help.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    This is an excellent short (14 pages) technical article written by Dave Demma, a Senior Application Engineer with Sporlan. He explains how to use the pressure-enthalpy (P-H) chart to understand how a refrigeration cycle works and how to apply this to various troubleshooting scenarios. Don't let the "engineer" scare you-- the math is minimal and simple, nothing more complicated than arithmetic: adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. The explanations are clear, plain and non-geeky and he uses lots of illustrations. It really is a masterpiece of teaching and making something complex understandable by anyone, regardless of your technical background. If you understand or are at least familiar with the P-H chart (which we covered in detail in the Refrigerator Sealed System Thermodynamics webinar series), you'll get a much better understanding for saturation, superheat, subcooling, and system pressures. This copy has my highlights of key points.
  9. Introduction to using the Pressure-Enthalpy Chart to diagnose refrigerator sealed system problems View File This is an excellent short (14 pages) technical article written by Dave Demma, a Senior Application Engineer with Sporlan. He explains how to use the pressure-enthalpy (P-H) chart to understand how a refrigeration cycle works and how to apply this to various troubleshooting scenarios. Don't let the "engineer" scare you-- the math is minimal and simple, nothing more complicated than arithmetic: adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. The explanations are clear, plain and non-geeky and he uses lots of illustrations. It really is a masterpiece of teaching and making something complex understandable by anyone, regardless of your technical background. If you understand or are at least familiar with the P-H chart (which we covered in detail in the Refrigerator Sealed System Thermodynamics webinar series), you'll get a much better understanding for saturation, superheat, subcooling, and system pressures. This copy has my highlights of key points. Submitter Samurai Appliance Repair Man Submitted 01/30/2018 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
  10. LG Linear Compressor Service Tech Bundle View File A bundle of tech documents covering various aspects of diagnosing and servicing LG linear compressor sealed systems: Inverter blinking error codes Sealed system diagnosis Evaporator leaks Heat exchanger replacement Check valve location and refrigerant flow Sealed system service guide Capillary tube replacement and installation LG ASC payment incentive program Submitter Samurai Appliance Repair Man Submitted 11/09/2017 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
  11. Version 1.0.0


    A bundle of tech documents covering various aspects of diagnosing and servicing LG linear compressor sealed systems: Inverter blinking error codes Sealed system diagnosis Evaporator leaks Heat exchanger replacement Check valve location and refrigerant flow Sealed system service guide Capillary tube replacement and installation LG ASC payment incentive program
  12. until
    Note: This webinar was rescheduled from its original date on October 30 to November 6. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for updates! Who: Professional Appliantologists, Senior Appliantology Fellows, and Legacy Tech members at Appliantology Master Samurai Tech Academy students enrolled in the Refrigerator Repair course Mr. Appliance® Academy students enrolled in Bundle 1 What: Practical Sealed System Thermodynamics In the last session on 10-2-2017, we laid the theoretical groundwork for understanding how sealed systems do what they do: move heat from a refrigerated compartment to the outside world. We looked at basic refrigeration concepts like pressure energy work enthalpy entropy saturation superheat subcooling and we got acquainted with the P-H diagram which we used to understand the ideal refrigeration cycle. We looked at the thermodynamic states of the refrigerant throughout the cycle: compression, condensing, expansion, and evaporation. Then we looked at a real-world refrigeration cycle with temperature and pressure measurements around the system and plotted it on a P-H diagram. We left off with a homework assignment where we're given pressure and temperature measurements around a refrigeration system and we have to determine what state the refrigerant is in: liquid, vapor, mix, saturated, superheated, or subcooled. This is where we'll pick up in this webinar. Having laid some theoretical groundwork in the last webinar, we're going to focus on practical considerations in this one. That means quick n’ dirty techniques for diagnosing sealed system problems using strategically chosen and skillfully interpreted temperature measurements. Here's what we'll be doing: Brief review of the Pressure-Temperature relationship in sealed systems Review homework from the first session on 10-2-2017. Home refrigerator practical design and operating rules-of-thumb useful for troubleshooting Practical application exercises Troubleshooting scenario exercise Techniques for making system temperature measurements for determining superheat and subcooling Sealed system diagnosis homework assignment (to be reviewed in the next webinar in this series) If you attended the first webinar in this series, this is your payday! We’re going to apply that keen, penetrating insight you now possess into money- and time-saving shortcuts you can use to diagnose real-world refrigeration systems on service calls. Also, make sure to do the homework assignment because this will let you test yourself to see whether you understood the key concepts or not. We're going to be proceeding on the assumption that you understand basic concepts like phase change, saturation, superheat, subcooling, etc. If you did not attend the first webinar or haven't watched the two-part webinar recordings of them, you are still welcome to attend, but may be baffled by parts of this one. When: Monday, October 30, 2017, at 7PM Eastern Time SHARP (adjust your time zone accordingly). Where: All of our web meetings are powered by Join.me. For the connection details, see below. Master Samurai Tech Academy Students: RSVP here. Mr. Appliance® Academy Bundle 1 Students: RSVP here. Professional Appliantologists, Senior Appliantology Fellows, and Legacy Techs: fill out the form below to request connection details:<a data-cke-saved-href="https://mastersamuraitech.wufoo.com/forms/mur05y20li0deq/" href="https://mastersamuraitech.wufoo.com/forms/mur05y20li0deq/">Fill out my Wufoo form!</a> How: Here are three tips to ensure that the webinars are a smooth, cool experience for you: Arrive early to make sure your connection is working! Also, if you show up late for the webinar, you'll be lost. Enter your name at the "knock to enter" window on the meeting page- if you leave it blank, you won't be able to enter. Watch this ultra-short video on how to use your Join.me control console.
  13. Sealed System Thermodynamics Webinar Homework Assignment View File This is the homework assignment from the sealed system thermodynamics webinar on 10/2/2017. This will help cement the concepts of Using P-T saturation tables to calculate superheat and subcooling Using the P-H diagram to plot and analyze a refrigeration cycle We'll start the next session on this topic by reviewing this homework assignment. Submitter Samurai Appliance Repair Man Submitted 10/03/2017 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
  14. Version 1.0.0


    This is the homework assignment from the sealed system thermodynamics webinar on 10/2/2017. This will help cement the concepts of Using P-T saturation tables to calculate superheat and subcooling Using the P-H diagram to plot and analyze a refrigeration cycle We'll start the next session on this topic by reviewing this homework assignment.
  15. Electrolux Sealed System Training Manual View File PUB 5995530150 January 2009 Submitter Samurai Appliance Repair Man Submitted 09/11/2017 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
  16. Version 1.0.0


    PUB 5995530150 January 2009
  17. Whirlpool Lokring Tube Connection System Service Manual View File PUB W11025473 Submitter abaesemann Submitted 03/08/2017 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
  18. File Name: Basic Refrigerator Sealed System Diagnostics Training File Submitter: Chat_in_FL File Submitted: 10 Apr 2014 File Category: Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper Basic Refrigerator Sealed System Diagnostics Training PUB 8178688 Click here to download this file
  19. 190 downloads

    Basic Refrigerator Sealed System Diagnostics Training PUB 8178688
  20. File Name: Refrigerator Sealed System Access Valves File Submitter: curjones File Submitted: 26 Oct 2013 File Category: Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper Basics for refrigeration, how to access the sealed system properly. Click here to download this file
  21. 41 downloads

    Basics for refrigeration, how to access the sealed system properly.
  22. From the album: Refrigerator Repair

    Excellent video! Covers: Basic refrigeration laws, Sealed system theory, Sealed system service (including brazing, evacuating, and charging), and troubleshooting. Well worth the $25! Get it here ==> http://www.repairclinic.com/PartDetail/Service-Video/5304454883/1192226
  23. RussTech

    Leaky Leaky

    From the album: RussTech's Photo Album

    Another crappy painted over solder joint. What the hell Avanti
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