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  1. I have a Samsung rf263teaesr french door fridge. A month or so ago is was cooling down to 30 degrees. Luckily I have a home warranty (highly recommend, I work in the real estate business) A service guy came out, replaced the control board and I believe the thermostat. Both tested bad. It then would not hold a consistent temperature. I put 2 thermometers in the unit and the temp would range from 34 to 49 degrees. He came out again and replaced the control board. Still had the same problem, and even if the temperature inside was 45 degrees, the display would always show the current temperature being where I had it set which was 37. If I dropped the temp to 35, the display would show the temp inside as being 37 (which was where I had it previously set) then in a few minutes the actual and the set temps would both match up at 35 even though the 2 thermometers inside say 45. I then used a laser and it registered 45, I took out a jar of liquid, put a meat probe in it and it said 45. So I am confident the temp is indeed 45 even though the fridge doesn't agree and says whatever I have it set at. I also notice my fridge never seems to make noice like it's trying to cool. My guy came back and replaces the cooling fan or something like that. This morning all is still the same. Temp somewhere in the 40s, display showing a temp that is where I have it set at. To me who doesn't know anything sounds like a thermostat issue. I am starting to feel like the repair guy thinks I'm crazy, but the temp from 4 thermometers should match the set temp of the fridge after being closed all night. Any thoughts?
  2. Just pulled this one out of storage after 6 months - compressor and condenser fan will not run - evap fan running full speed. Has had "no cooling" issues in the past - but always seems to fix itself after a day or two. Not this time - just plugged it in - and nothing happening. I suspect the wonderful dual digital display control board (@ $150 - Ouch) but I'm going to check for voltage at the condenser fan and at the compressor start relay - before I spend $$$ on a new control board. Any other things to check? Condenser coil is clean enough - and I would think the compressor would start up in any case from a dead warm siesta. Compressor doesn't even try to start - no clicks, no nuthin... Frigidaire/Electrolux Side by Side manf 10/2007 Thanks !!!
  3. Does anyone have experience with fixing this problem? I have a 5 year GE GSH25ISZB SS refrigerator freezer that is no longer cooling and performing as in the past. Freezer temp was -4F and refrigerator temp 34F. It now reads 19F and 38F respectively. I have no technical manuals, but I have attempted the following solution approach using what I located on the internet. Steps I have taken are as follows: Cleaned the coils - it was loaded with dust Checked the cooling fan - it is working Listened to the compressor - I can hear it but don't know if what I'm hearing is correct I would appreciate any expertise that you may provide. Not sure if it's necessary to replace this thing, but your assistance would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
  4. KitchenAid-model# ksrd25fkwh03. I'm showing a thermostat part #from KitchenAid as #2161282. Also if you could help clear up my trouble shooting between a run capacitor switch or the temp. control thermostat. I have no frost on evaporator coils and no heat from condenser coils- all fans, lights and switches working. Moving temp control slides up and down produces no"clicks" or noise indicating compressor activation. I'm leaning toward thermostat replacement, but not sure. Thank You, Steve
  5. Hello folks. Having some problems that I thought I had solved last week, but yesterday they reared up again. Allow me to give the full back story - about two weeks ago, my LG LMX25981ST refrigerator began to make this click sound every few minutes, and eventually we noticed that the compartments were warm and the ice dispenser was leaking water (ice was melting because of the warm compartment temps). After some googling and youtube watching, I determined that the clicking was a sign of a bad compressor start relay. I pulled the start relay off of my fridge and looked for the replacement part on AppliancePartsPros. The replacement part on there did not resemble the part I pulled off my fridge, so I emailed them and they told me there are several different specific versions of my model fridge, and they needed my serial # to determine the specific part my fridge needed. Eventually the APP guy emailed me with a replacement start relay that looked like the part I pulled off my fridge. Ordered, received within a day, installed, fridge seemed to be working normally again. Measured temps with a digital thermometer & all good. Within a day or two, I started noticing that despite the fridge & freezer seeming to work correctly, there was some kind of growling noise for maybe 3-6 seconds every time I'd close the fridge doors before the compressor or fans (not sure?) would kick on. Might have happened after closing the freezer doors as well but I am not sure. I can say for sure though that the growling noise happened every time after closing the fridge doors, and afterward it sounded normal - steady quiet hum. Anyway, thought this was peculiar & tried a little to diagnose it but couldn't determine a specific issue. Otherwise the fridge was working so I let it go. Fast forward to yesterday and suddenly the freezer nor fridge are cooling anymore. Temps are in the 50s in both compartments. There is no clicking this time so I think the replacement start relay I got is probably fine (unless it caused the aforementioned growling) and maybe there is another problem. I believe the fans are still attempting to push cold(ish) air into the compartments because when I open the doors and manually press the door switches, there seems to be some air moving in from the back of each compartment. I can't fully go through the refrigerator warm flowchart right now because I am not sure I can move the fridge by myself to access the back panel & check on the condenser/condenser fan etc. I will confirm my path on the flowchart within a couple days when I can get help moving the fridge. But if anyone has any early ideas based on what I've said so far as to why my fridge is warm, I'd really appreciate any and all advice. Thanks all! Let me know if I can provide any other info and I'll try to produce it.
  6. Version ZIP


    Whirlpool Kitchenaid SxS Refrigerators Moisture and Warm FF Problems Service Pointer Bundle This is a bundle of tech bulletins all pertaining to problems with warm temperatures in the FF compartment and/or excessive moisture problems in the FF and/or FZ compartments that may cause warm FF temperatures. Applies to multiple models of Whirlpool, Kitchenaid, and Roper refrigerators but ONLY Side by Side models (with the one exception for bulletin 4317336). Bulletins in this bundle: 4317366 Air returns blocked with ice, Warm refrigerator temperatures 8178611 Interior Moisture 4317291 Refrigerator section too warm Models KSRA22FK and KSRA25FK 4321955 Moisture In Diffuser 4321964 Moisture in Diffuser 4317371 Too warm in the refrigeration compartment SxS KitchenAid Built-in Refrigerators All K and M Models, Example model KSSC42FK 4317336 Evaporator fan motor will not run, possibly intermittently and/or Call for Service Alarm sounds intermittently. Kitchenaid K-model, bottom mount and Side by Side built-in Refrigerators
  7. File Name: Whirlpool Kitchenaid SxS Refrigerators Moisture and Warm FF Problems Service Pointer Bundle File Submitter: Samurai Appliance Repair Man File Submitted: 05 Sep 2014 File Category: Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper Whirlpool Kitchenaid SxS Refrigerators Moisture and Warm FF Problems Service Pointer Bundle This is a bundle of tech bulletins all pertaining to problems with warm temperatures in the FF compartment and/or excessive moisture problems in the FF and/or FZ compartments that may cause warm FF temperatures. Applies to multiple models of Whirlpool, Kitchenaid, and Roper refrigerators but ONLY Side by Side models (with the one exception for bulletin 4317336). Bulletins in this bundle: 4317366 Air returns blocked with ice, Warm refrigerator temperatures 8178611 Interior Moisture 4317291 Refrigerator section too warm Models KSRA22FK and KSRA25FK 4321955 Moisture In Diffuser 4321964 Moisture in Diffuser 4317371 Too warm in the refrigeration compartment SxS KitchenAid Built-in Refrigerators All K and M Models, Example model KSSC42FK 4317336 Evaporator fan motor will not run, possibly intermittently and/or Call for Service Alarm sounds intermittently. Kitchenaid K-model, bottom mount and Side by Side built-in Refrigerators Click here to download this file
  8. 34 downloads

    Fridge warming up and your beer's gettin' all warm and fizzy? Dayyam, son, you got you a bona fide emergency! Quick-- download this here flowchart and get 'er fixed up taco-pronto!
  9. File Name: Warm Refrigerator Troubleshooting Flowchart File Submitter: Samurai Appliance Repair Man File Submitted: 05 Jan 2013 File Category: Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper Fridge warming up and your beer's gettin' all warm and fizzy? Dayyam, son, you got you a bona fide emergency! Quick-- download this here flowchart and get 'er fixed up taco-pronto! Click here to download this file
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