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Samurai Appliance Repair Man's Blog

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Pearls of appliance repair wisdom from the Appliantology Forums

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A Tribute to Parts Changing Monkeys

I've been beating on Parts Changing Monkeys (PCMs) pretty hard lately and, honestly, I think it's a bit overdone. The under-appreciated PCM is a vital part of my business because they make me look good! My Brethren in the Craft, please join me in thanking these stealth promoters of our business-- the many, the vile, the Parts Changing Monkeys!  

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Labor Day Discount on all Appliance Repair Courses Extended Through This Weekend!

We were blown away by the phenomenal response to our Labor Day 10% discount special! We had lots of people taking advantage of the discount to pick up the course bundles. This is a smart move! The courses you enroll in are yours for life so why not go ahead and lock in the savings now while you can?   We also had lots of returning Fundamentals students taking advantage of the Labor Day special by enrolling in other courses such as Refrigerators or Advanced Schematics. We love seeing this because

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Master Samurai Tech Radio Episode 6

In this life-changing episode of Master Samurai Tech Radio, Samurai and the Mrs. talk about all kinds of things appliantological.   Due to the overwhelming response we've gotten the last few days, we've extended our Labor Day tuition discount on all courses and bundles at the Samurai Tech Academy thru Sunday, 9/13! Coupon code: LABORDAY2015. Enroll here: http://mastersamuraitech.com/online-enrollment/   Industry News: we talk about the international appliance brand Beko - number one in the UK -

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Master Samurai Tech Radio Episode 5

In this killa-manilla episode of the Master Samurai Tech Radio podcast, the Samurai and Mrs. Samurai reveal the answer to every burning question you’ve ever had about anything!   Okay, okay, well we at least know you’ve been losing sleep over the mysteries of centrifugal switches and what the heck is the difference between NTC and PTC. Oh, yeah, we cover that and much, much more in what can only be called an appliance repair revelation.   Here’s a list of the meaty stuff we carve up and serve in

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Master Samurai Tech Radio, Episode 4

In this jam-packed episode: - New credit card readers for the EMV technology; merchant (appliance service company) liability for fraud if not using the new readers. - Square has already issued the new EMV readers. - Electrolux buying GE Appliances - complications, lawsuit, implications for the appliance market. Samsung and LG brought into the fray! - First military veteran scholarship awarded! If you're a veteran, apply for a full-tuition scholarship in the Fundamentals of Appliance Repair train

Master Samurai Tech Radio, Episode 1

The inaugural episode of Master Samurai Tech Radio is out! We just submitted it to iTunes so the iTunes subscription link will take a few days to work. But meanwhile, you can download or stream it here: http://mastersamuraitech.com/master-samurai-tech-radio-episode-1/

3 Sure-Fire Ways to Spot an Appliance Repair Hack in Your Home

[A Note to my Brethren in the Craft: This article is released into the Public Domain. You are encouraged to copy it, modify it as you wish, post it on your website and social networks, with or without attribution, your choice. The objective is to raise consumer awareness about the rampant problem of moral and technical deficiency plaguing our trade today. We need to expose these hacks and parts changing monkeys who are ripping people off, either knowingly or through willful ignorance, and giving

Learn Appliance Repair Online at the Samurai Tech Academy - Limited Time Tuition Discount!

Learn appliance repair at the best online appliance repair school on the web! Act now to take advantage of this limited-time offer for a 14% tuition discount. Offer ends July 11, 2015. Use the coupon code FREEDOM14 on the Enroll page: http://mastersamuraitech.com/online-enrollment/ Check out all our appliance repair training courses here: http://mastersamuraitech.com/appliance-repair-courses/ http://mastersamuraitech.com/

Dielectric Grease: Myths and Reality

There's a lot of misinformation and mythology out there in the tech community about the use of dielectric grease on electrical connections. Some techs, knowing that the word "dielectric" refers to an electrically insulating material, mistakenly conclude that dielectric grease should never be used on electrical connections. This is based on a misunderstanding about how dielectric grease works. Dielectric grease has two main properties that make it especially desirable specifically for use on elec

Team Samurai Heading off to the Old Country

Well, mah Bruvahs, Mrs. Samurai finally convinced me that we needed to take a vacation. It's been decades since we've taken a true vacation that wasn't a business trip in disguise. The past couple of years have been especially intense and transformative ones for Team Samurai (me, Mrs. Samurai, and our two sons Stephen and Sam) with the creation and development of the Samurai Tech Academy. I know I make all this look easy and it seems like one day I just whipped out MasterSamuraiTech.com like, "O

The Advanced Schematic Analysis and Troubleshooting training course is now available!

At last, your wait is at an end: The Advanced Schematic Analysis and Troubleshooting (ASAT) training course is now open for enrollment! In the ASAT course, you will delve deeply into sophisticated and esoteric appliance circuit troubleshooting techniques. You'll learn how to use timing charts together with the schematic to troubleshoot problems; how to use Ohm's Law as a powerful troubleshooting tool to give you a clear understanding of how a circuit works; how to troubleshoot deceptive and tric

Samurai Tech Academy Open House and Campus Tour

NOTE: The meeting details have been edited. Who: YOU! What: You've undoubtedly heard of the Samurai Tech Academy, where young apprentice appliantologists and seasoned appliance warriors alike come to hone their troubleshooting skills to razor-sharp deadly accuracy. Here, now, is the opportunity you've been longing for to peek behind the bamboo shades of the legendary dojo of Master Samurai Techs in training. Come join us for an open house and campus tour of the Samurai Tech Academy and watch wit

A Master Samurai Tech Presentation: Troubleshooting Appliances using Ohm’s Law and Schematic Analysis

A Master Samurai Tech Presentation: Troubleshooting Appliances using Ohm's Law and Schematic Analysis Learn from the Samurai and become a troubleshooting master! In this action-packed, riveting, 30-minute, recording of a live webinar, Samurai Appliance Repair Man explains: Ohm's Law: what it is and how it's used Understanding power and work in electric circuits Applying Ohm's Law to real-world troubleshooting situations Schematic analysis of real schematics using Ohm's Law and series circ

Appliantology is Changing with the Times

It's a great time to be a Professional Appliantologist at Appliantology! A lot has changed at Appliantology.org over the years! We've gone from being a site that focused on helping DIYers to a site focused on supporting the professional tech community. In the past, one of the ways this site supported and funded itself was through parts sales to DIYers. But today, parts sales to DIYers isn't nearly as big a source of funding for this site as it once was. Part of this change was a result of increa

Unlocking a Stuck Door on a Maytag Whirlpool Alpha Platform Front Load Washer

In this scintillating safari into front load washer wasteland, Samurai Appliance Repair Man shows you how to manually unlock the door on a front load washer with the door stuck locked. This particular kata is for the Maytag-Whirlpool Alpha 2 platform front load washers but the same technique can be applied to most other models. To order parts, call our parts department at 877-803-7957

Guided Tour of the Samurai Tech Academy Campus

Join Samurai Appliance Repair Man on a personal guided tour of the Samurai Tech Academy campus. I'll show you the answers to common questions that people have when they call or email us: - What courses do you offer? - What kind of things do you teach in the courses? - How much are the courses? - Do you teach how to read schematics? - Do you teach about the new, electronic appliances? - Do you teach how to run an appliance repair business? - Do you have any discounts? - There's so much stuff at t

Share the Gospel of Appliantology, change the world, and retire early!

Everyone with an IQ above room temperature knows that Social Security is bankrupt (think Detroit on steroids)-- if you're under 50 years old, you're gonna get stiffed and it ain't gonna be there for you. The Samurai, who is omnipresent everywhere, who is omniscient and he knows it, who is ever on the look out for his fellow carbon units and cold beer, didst beat his breast and rend his garments and gnash his teeth until he came up with the perfect FREE solution to secure domestic tranquility and

How to Troubleshoot Appliance Electronic Control Boards

A Master Samurai Tech Presentation: Troubleshooting Appliance Electronic Control Boards Learn from the Samurai and become a troubleshooting master! Using a Whirlpool dishwasher as a case study, the Samurai explains each step in the process of troubleshooting electronic control boards in appliances, revealing the schematic mysteries to all who want to learn. In this 38-minute video, you will learn: Basic troubleshooting techniques with broad applications to all appliances How to use tech s

5 Tips for Success in Your Online Appliance Repair Training Program

Online training courses have become a huge benefit to adult learners by bringing a vast array of opportunities within reach of learners in every field imaginable — all you need is access to a computer, some time, and the determination to succeed in your chosen topic. Like every other endeavor in life, success in your online training program depends as much on what you put into it as in the coursework itself. Even the best-designed, most comprehensive online program is only as good as the effort

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Fun Times at ASTI 2015 in New Orleans

Just got back from the best-ever ASTI in New Orleans. Reconnected with old friends, made new ones, met many of my Appliantology brethren and several of my Samurai Tech Academy students in person. Not being a city person myself, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed New Orleans-- fantastic food and lots of fun in the French Quarter. For example, here's a plate of the best soul food you'll ever eat at a place called Mother's: Pictured above is Blackened Ham Red beans and rice Turnip greens with h

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

Samurai Appliance Repair Man

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