While we don't like to rely on ohms testing as appliance technicians, those tests have their place -- such as if you want to verify that a compressor's windings are in spec. But if you want to do an ohms test on a split-phase compressor's windings, you'll need to identify which of the three terminals on the compressor's casing corresponds to which winding.
To do so, you have to have a little bit of knowledge about how split-phase compressor windings are arranged, and what their specificatio
In our latest workshop webinar, we cultivated the much-desired skill of troubleshooting appliances with multiple control boards. Topics included:
Using the schematic to form your troubleshooting strategy
Identifying inputs and outputs
Making meaningful measurements and understanding what their results mean
...and much more!
Want to learn this stuff for yourself? The full webinar recording is available right now to premium tech members of Appliantology. Click b
Some circuits have a bit more going on than they seem at first glance, and this Whirlpool washer has one such circuit. Watch the excerpt below to learn how to unravel this tangled mess of lines and apply it to your troubleshooting.
Want to watch the full webinar recording where we go through the entire schematic analysis, covering tracing everything out and covering topics like triacs, shunts, and series loads? Click below -- viewable only by premium members.
As control boards, and especially multiple-board configurations, become more and more prevalent in appliances today, we need to keep our troubleshooting skills sharp and adapt. So what troubleshooting strategies should you apply when you're dealing with a computer board?
The good news is that you don't need to be a computer geek to work with boards. You just need a troubleshooting strategy for dealing with them, and you need to understand how they operate on a basic level. That's what the S
In this two-part Master Samurai Tech webinar series, we explore the nuances of sealed system diagnostics. Specifically, we're covering the nitty-gritty of applying our understanding of sealed system thermodynamics to real-world sealed system failures, such as refrigerant leaks, overcharges, and inefficient compressors.
Sealed System Diagnostics, Part 1
Sealed System Diagnostics, Part 2
Topics covered in the first part include:
Sealed system temperatures and pressure
We had some fun in this Live Dojo Workshop! We went beyond the screen into the big, scary Real World and showed off live a few things about BLDC fan motors, including:
BLDC fan motor wire color conventions
Expected readings on PWM and RPM feedback lines
Simulating a PWM signal
Identifying failed speed sensor
...and more! Click below to watch the workshop recording -- viewable only by premium tech members.
If you're an Appliantology tech member and y
In this clip from a longer webinar, we give you the long and short of how NTC thermistors work and how to troubleshoot them. Don't know what NTC means? Don't worry -- that's covered in this video, too!
Want to watch the full webinar, which goes through using the Samurai's Troubleshooting Ten-Step Tango to nail refrigerator problems every time? Click below -- viewable only by premium members.
Refrigeration is its own little world within appliance repair. The presence of a sealed system introduces all kinds of specific knowledge and skills you need to have to properly troubleshoot these machines, from thermodynamics to compressor technology to brazing. And that's not even mentioning the other systems, like airflow and control.
So how do you learn all this stuff? Well, if you want to troubleshoot refrigerators like a real tech, you'll need both brains-on and hands-on trainin
There are many standard items a CSR should collect from the customer (name, address, contact information, type of appliance, etc.), but I'd like to focus on the key features of a good service ticket that may be overlooked by some. If you make sure to follow these tips, you'll set your techs up for the easiest prediagnosis and best service calls possible.
1. Collect a valid model number
A model number is essential for a tech's prediangosis. Without it, he cannot get the correct in
There's more than one way for a 3-way valve sealed system to be configured, and if you want to troubleshoot these machines right, you've gotta know the difference.
In the full webinar recording, the Samurai runs through 3-way valve operation and dual evaporator systems in detail, using Samsung technical documentation for reference. It's not one you're gonna want to miss!
Click here to watch the full webinar -- only available to premium members!
Ever wondered how L1 and L2 in a 240 VAC circuit have a voltage difference of 240 VAC? Or what people mean when they say that L1 and L2 are 180 degrees out of phase? And what exactly do we mean when we say "voltage difference" anyway?
We cover all these topics in this short 6-minute excerpt from one of our many in-depth technical webinar recordings. If you've ever been mystified by the inner workings of standard, split-phase household power, look no further! Give this a watch and be enlight
You're fighting a constant battle in the appliance repair trade to get the most money out of the time you spend. One of the biggest problems you face is unprofitable service calls. Most often these crop up as repairs that are close to the replacement cost. What customer is going to opt for a $300 repair when they can buy a new dryer for $400?
Fortunately, there are 2 simple steps you can take to weed out 95% of these kinds of calls. These steps are prediagnosis and flat-rate pricing.
If you're getting into appliance repair, or even just looking to downsize an overstuffed tool bag, you might be wondering: what are the absolute essentials that you should bring with you on any service call? Well, having my fair share of experience in the field, I'll put forward Team Samurai's list of must-have appliance repair tools. Note that this isn't supposed to be a totally comprehensive list -- just the bare essentials.
Multimeter with a loading/LoZ function
If there's a t
We covered not one, but two different workshop topics in our last webinar, and I now present to you the second one!
In this workshop about a dishwasher with a starting-and-stopping motor, we covered topics like:
How to nail this problem using a single test
Analyzing the wash motor circuit to understand how it works
Identifying how the board senses circuit current
...and more!
Click below to watch the full recording -- available only to premium tech member
With the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, things are changing quickly. No matter how long or short the actual pandemic lasts, everything won't just go back to how it used to be, and if we appliance repair techs want to stay in business, we will have to adapt.
What exactly that adaptation looks like remains to be seen, but Team Samurai has been in the business long enough to have some solid ideas about it. Heavy sanitation precautions are something that is already happening and will continue to beco
In this recording from a recent live technical training webinar, we walked through the whole thought flow for troubleshooting this Samsung dryer that always runs when the door is closed. There's no guesswork or monkey-jabbing here -- strictly analytical and accurate diagnostic techniques that bring us ever closer to the solution.
Here's a short excerpt to show you what we're on about:
Want to troubleshoot like a real tech? Click the video below to see how. Viewable only by pr
Ghost voltage has misled many a green tech during his troubleshooting. How are you supposed to interpret it when the VAC function of your meter tells you that you have 108 volts going to a load? Is your voltage supply bad? Or are you perhaps simply missing your Neutral?
That's where a loading meter comes to the rescue. By actually putting a load on a circuit, the loading meter shows if there really is the difference in voltage between those two points required for current to flow.
No N
DC power in appliances works the same way no matter the manufacturer, but everyone has their own way they like to talk about it. And if you're not up on the lingo, you'll be left mystified by DC circuits in schematics.
You don't have to worry, though, because we explain all kinds of DC terminology in this latest workshop. From VDC to VCC, we cover everything you're likely to encounter in your troubleshooting travels through DC power, including:
Terms for DC voltage supplies
We drop a lot of pearls of wisdom in our live technical training webinars, and I wanted to make one particular pearl available to all. In this short excerpt from one of our many webinar recordings, we cover what you need to know about electricity and voltage in order to make a meaningful and useful voltage measurement -- all in the context of a real troubleshooting scenario.
Topics covered include:
What is voltage?
How do you choose a voltage reference?
What is LoZ?
In this video, we give a comprehensive answer to this question: "Why is it that high ambient temps cause high side and low side pressures to rise?"
This simple question about one specific sealed system problem scenario is a great opportunity to take a deeper dive into how sealed systems work, how they're affected by their environment, and how an issue in one area of a sealed system has ramifications for every other area.
Topics covered include:
The temperature/pressure relation
Why are microwaves so picky about the way they do their door switches? Are two different interlock switches really necessary? And what does the monitor switch even do, anyway? All these questions and more answered in this short instructional presentation.
Big props to Brother @Vance R for his explanation of these switches in this topic, which inspired us to make this video.
Topics covered include:
Schematic analysis of interlock switch circuits
Identifying if the schemat
What do you do when even the service manual can't be trusted?
In this video, we discuss how to deal with bad or missing information in all kinds of tech docs -- service manuals, tech sheets, schematics, you name it. Topics covered include:
Pin numbering discrepancies
Reconciling pinouts with schematics
Identifying power supplies
Recognizing incoherent specs
What are dummy directions?
..and more!
You can watch this one right now for free! We've
What are strip circuits and how do you read them? What purpose do they serve in troubleshooting? Are they better than normal schematics, worse, or just different?
That's what we explore in this workshop, which is an excerpt of the discussion from one of our latest Live Dojo workshops. Parallel to that, it also acts as something of a part 2 to our previous workshop on DC terminology. These schematics that we show have a number of esoteric and straight up confusing DC terminology, but don't w
We've got dozens of hours of webinar recordings here at Appliantology covering all kinds of appliance repair troubleshooting strategies and technologies, ranging from the very advanced to the fundamental. This short excerpt from one of our many recordings covers the basic, but crucial concepts you must understand to troubleshoot an appliance with a control board -- even on seemingly "weird" brands like Samsung --including:
How to read and troubleshoot with board pinouts
How do DC
What do you do when you need to grow your team of appliance techs in order to meet the demand for service calls, but you can't find any job candidates with experience? This is the reality for thousands of companies across the country, since very few quality techs with experience are on the job market. You're in luck: with the training options available today, you can build a tech! Hire based on character and aptitude, then add training and some experience, and you'll have an independent applianc