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  1. Version PDF


  2. I love my Haier HLP21N portable machine because I don't have hookups in my apartment. I have one of the older versions of this model and the manual that was included is missing a lot of important information!!! I simply wanted to replace my leaky 8-9 year old inlet hose and now, according to the NEW manual, I may have damaged the threads where the water inlet valve connects to the hose and possibly the water inlet valve itself. Before changing the hose, I was experiencing leakage near the faucet hookup and now with the new hose, water leaks and floods at the other end. I got an adapter for fine threaded connection but it didn't make a difference. I am also missing the elusive 'water absorption cushion' but it wasn't ever a problem... I am so frustrated!!! On top of all this, I just purchased a portable dryer but I can't even wash my clothes :(:(:( Does anyone who is familiar with this model know if the water valve needs replacing? or is it just the connection??
  3. Manufacturer: Hotpoint Type of Appliance: washing machine Model Number: VWSR4160G1WW Have you validated the model number at an online parts site like Repair Clinic? (yes or no): yes Have you watched the video on how to search for manuals and have you searched the Downloads section prior to posting this request? (yes or no): yes looking for the service manual. I found the mini manual but i was looking for something more in depth.
  4. I need help diagnosing my washer. The problem arises when the washer is going through its normal cycle and then later stops mid-cycle to show the IE error code. It's a head scratcher because I've tried almost everything I know to be associated with the IE error code. So far I've, -Checked all the hoses (water & drain) for any kinks, leaks, or blockage and debris. [All Clear] -Checked and cleaned the mesh filters for the water intake. [All Clear with the exception of very light mineral deposits] -Checked the water valves, hoses, and pressure were open and flowing normally. [All Clear] -Checked and cleaned the drain hose including its positioning to prevent siphoning. [All Clear] I keep reading through the manual too but I'm at a complete loss. https://www.searspartsdirect.com/model/2gpz2eaxe3-000583/kenmore-elite-79631523211-washer-parts Any ideas? Thanks to anyone who can help.
  5. Hello people, 2 days ago i was confronted with an error code (e23) on my washing machine and when i looked it up i found out this error was caused by floater sensor tripping when water is building up on the bottom plate of the machine. After removing all the covers and running a test wash i found out what caused the leak. A decent sized hole in the outer shell of the drum, just above where the drain hose connects to the pump (image below). It's probably caused by some metal debris from clothing that pierced itself through the shell when the drum was spinning? Do any of you have experience with fixing holes like this? Maybe some sort of epoxy putty or maybe molten plastic? Thanks in advance
  6. Hello, I have a LG washing machine WT4801CW. The air hose between the tub and the pressure switch disconnects from the tub, resulting in the machine stopping, showing IE, and flooding the laundry room. I have reconnected it to the tub nipple using the small metal clamp, but every few weeks it disconnects again. Is there a way to get this air hose to stay connected ? Thank you !
  7. Good evening, this is my first post ever. I am trying to locate the manual and schematic for a washing machine which is occasionally leaking (enough water to soak 1 or 2 paper towels) at the front left leg. I initially accused my cat of peeing there but she swears that this is not the case. If you could help us locate the evidence to exonerate her, she would be much obliged. Thank you.
  8. Hi all I need your help my front loader a Lg wm3270cw during the spin cycle will shake violently to the point it shakes the detergent draw out and it is definitely out of balance the machine it self is level this only occurs when it builds up speed to spin please tell me what I need to do I can’t afford a tech due to my wife having cancer
  9. Washing machine just recently started reporting E:12 and won't complete a wash cycle on Cold. The laundry soap cup drawer wouldn't wash the detergent away. Setting the machine to Warm or Hot will fill the tub, but the rinse cycle will error out with E:12. The paper guide under the machine cover says the following for Er:12: Fault/Fault description Remarks, possible cause Water inlet time exceeded No water within 6min, Damaged valve, Wire harness, Blocked hose Results - check water supply - check valve - check hose Test program P:09 -> Pressure switch P:13 -> Valves There is a section on entering test mode. I followed it and was able to put it into test mode, and scroll through the errors too. The E:12 appears with C:003 which indicates this is the count of the error. Also the error d:06 appears 1 time, which indicates NTC-relay failure, but since that only occurred once the thermistor probably encountered a condition, as also there was a dr:11 error 1 time, which indicates Voltage too low, due to a possible weak power supply and check line voltage. The other important area was entering the test mode and to run the Test Program. I went ahead to test the P:09 and P:13, but I didn't know what the message returned after the test it wasn't on this single troubleshooting sheet. For P:09 the test ran and showed 63, then at the end of the test, it showed 88. For test P:13, showed 63, 88, then finally 177. In any case, it seems point to a faulty cold fill valve, since I tested the water flow at the valve inlet and it has plenty of pressure and the water flows rapidly. We don't have well water, we have city water, and a water softener since we have higher TDS mineral content in our water. I checked the inlet screen, it is clear of any debris and doesn't appear to be clogged there. Thanks for any help, I hope someone else can learn from my experience too.
  10. Hello can someone advise how to install the door seal properly? The washing machine was leaking water under the door seal. I have replaced it and tested the machine on a wash cycle. It no longer leaks but the seal is rubbing against the drum when it spins. It squeals while spinning, and started smoking and melting the rubber. I re-installed the leaking seal to check how it fit against the drum. There was a gap of 2mm so it did not touch the drum anywhere. The new seal is definitely wider on the section that touches the drum. Does this need to be trimmed before installation? Looking forward to an easy fix! Thanks
  11. 358 downloads

    WAS20160UC/01 WAS20160UC/01 WAS2016 Pub No. 58300000129936 – 03.01.08
  12. Samsung WF45H6300A washing machine. When start button is pushed there is a buzz (I assume the normal pump sound) then the door locks, then, after a few seconds, the door unlocks and the cycle fails to progress. Sometimes pressing pause results in error code that is either BE or 8E, I can't tell which it is supposed to be. Checked hot & cold water hose flow, checked water intake filters, and cleaned a dirty pump filter. Still won't work.
  13. I am not sure how to tell this but i push the power button and then it starts to spin a tad. I usually notice that it will spin the middle but it does not do that and goes to PE error. I went into test mode and try to run a cyle and PE error right away. the service manual says it is a clutch error. I did not know if i just order this http://www.appliancepartspros.com/samsung-assy-dd-bldc-dc93-00309a-ap5621714.html or if i need to order http://www.repairclinic.com/PartDetail/Rotor-Position-Sensor/DC3100098A/2068316?TLSID=1873 I would love to know what to check before ordering. I have an multimeter and not afraid to read voltages.
  14. Washing machine will not start a load. It has power, all the buttons come on. It is not overfilled nor is the door not locked. After you pick the cycle and press the start button is just sits there. However, if you let the machine sit, it magically will run again. Sometimes it needs to sit 30 minutes. The last time it did not work for a week and then started working again. When it starts working, sometime I get only one load out of it before it stops again. One day last week it ran for four loads before it stopped working for three days. This is very frustrating.
  15. File Name: Kenmore Frigidare 417.42042100 washer tech sheet File Submitter: weswayne File Submitted: 10 May 2015 File Category: Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper Kenmore Frigidare 417.42042100 tech sheet 134105100 Click here to download this file
  16. 32 downloads

    Kenmore Frigidare 417.42042100 tech sheet 134105100
  17. File Name: Kenmore LG 796.4051 Washing Machine Service Manual File Submitter: Samurai Appliance Repair Man File Submitted: 25 Jul 2014 File Category: Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper Models: 796.4051 796.4051*90* PUB MFL30599151 Click here to download this file
  18. 126 downloads

    Models: 796.4051 796.4051*90* PUB MFL30599151
  19. Hello, I am looking for a service manual for a Bosch WFR2460 Axxis+ washing machine, thank you.
  20. Version PDF


    Repair Part List - LAT8404AAE w/ wiring diagram Maytag Dependable Care Washers 1994-1997 16010373 16001145 Orbital Transmission - Full Service Manual LAT2300 LAT2500 LAT2914 LAT3500 LAT4914 LAT5004 LAT5005 LAT5914 LAT6914 LAT7304 LAT7314 LAT7334 LAT8004 LAT8014 LAT8024 LAT8034 LAT8104 LAT8234 LAT8214 LAT8204 LAT8404 LAT8434 LAT8414 LAT8421 LAT8424 LAT8504 LAT8604 LAT8614 LAT8624 LAT8704 LAT8804 LAT8824 LAT8904 LAT9304 LAT9314 LAT9334 LAT9604 LAT9614 LAT9634 LAT9704 LAT9734 LAT9714 LAT9804 LAT9824 LAT9904 LAW2400 LAW9304 LAW9704
  21. Samurai Appliance Repair Man

    Bosch Washing Machine Door Lock Esoterica

    From the album: Washer Repair

    Buy the replacement door lock assembly here.
  22. Version PDF


    Tech Sheet Only Model MHWE300VW00 Maytag Front Load Washer Service Diagnostics Wiring Diagrams
  23. Version PDF


    Service Manual for Frigidaire Affinity Ultra Capacity 4.4 cu.ft. Washer 137374400
  24. File Name: Frigidaire Affinity Washer File Submitter: kdog File Submitted: 05 Sep 2012 File Category: Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper Service Manual for Frigidaire Affinity Ultra Capacity 4.4 cu.ft. Washer 137374400 Click here to download this file
  25. Frigidaire Front Load Washer View File Frigidaire Washer F/L Knobs & Buttons 5995413084 12 MB file Submitter kdog Submitted 05/06/2012 Category Appliance Repair Manual Pot Luck Supper  
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